Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Keralite paradox.

Students in Kerala get to have all their fun in College. They carry their banners and do their strikes for labor equality. They clash with other idealogies and thoughts and someone might even get injured in the process. Their ideas and philosopies are confirmed and reaffirmed.

Then it is time to put bread on the family table and they pack their bags and leave for Mumbai or Dubai. They leave their philosophies and families back home and end up as a capilatist cog in the wheel in some alien part of the world. They either move back to their families or get their families to where they are. Tamil Nadu and West Bengal residents do some similar things too. Apparently they seem to be very comforatable with the paradox.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Kerala blog

Welcome to the Kerala blog!

The blog has a Google news feed related to Kerala. Plus links of interest related to Kerala. So if you are a follower of events related to Kerala, this page should provide you with all the required tools.

You will also see a Kerala specific search engine attached to this blog. This search engine will give priority to Government and other good websites that have a focus on Kerala.

Give all the tools a try! Happy browsing!